We're thrilled to share the highlights from the 'Appraising Multiculturalism: Politics, Policy and Practice' National Symposium, which took place on 26 October 2023, at Deakin Downtown. This Symposium marked the launch of the executive summary of key findings from the Australian Research Council Linkage Project, 'Mapping Social Services for Diverse Communities.'

The day commenced with a warm welcome from Senior Deputy Vice Chancellor, Academic & Alfred Deakin Professor Liz Johnson, who introduced the Alfred Deakin Institute for Citizenship and Globalisation. The Hon. Ingrid Stitt MP, Minister for Mental Health, Ageing, and Multicultural Affairs, graced the event and opened it with a welcome speech.

Chief Investigator Alfred Deakin Professor Fethi Mansouri introduced the research project, which was followed by a panel discussion that include representatives from Partner Organisations: Diana Sayed, CEO of the Australian Muslim Women’s Centre for Human Rights (AMWCHR); Vivienne Nguyen AM, Chairperson of the Victorian Multicultural Commission (VMC); and Mo Elrafihi, CEO of the Ethnic Communities Council of Victoria (ECCV). Associate Professor Anthony Moran from La Trobe University, Dr Glenda Ballantyne from Swinburne University, and Professor Karen Farquharson from the University of Melbourne drew on their research and offered intriguing perspectives on multiculturalism, diversity, and governance in Australia.

Key findings from the research project were presented by the research team, that include Chief Investigator Alfred Deakin Professor Fethi Mansouri, Co-Investigator Dr Matteo Vergani, and Research Fellow Dr Enqi Weng. The audience, comprised of researchers, policymakers, community leaders, and organisations in the multicultural affairs field, remained engaged and inspired throughout the day.

The comprehensive final report, detailing the full research findings, is expected to be released in February/March 2024.